Sister To Sister

Whether we call it a woman’s intuition, mother wit or common sense, women definitely have an internal wellspring of wisdom. We have an amazing capacity for insight and awareness. This wisdom is not that which receive through academic matriculation, but it is intelligence that emits from the heart. I believe it to be an aspect of the very omniscience of God.
Just as biological DNA determines our physiological and to some degree our psychological make-up, wisdom is a component of the very fiber of a woman. We have a seeming innate ability to comprehend, understand and communicate in multifaceted ways.
For the godly woman, this wisdom is exponentially enhanced and empowered through the Holy Spirit. The spiritual DNA of a woman is as integral to her as her physiological composition. A spirit-filled woman has Discernment, Nobility, & Abundance.
Discernment – this internal antenna operates like a keen sense of smell or hearing. Even before the knowing all the facts or factors, your ability to discern and rightly judge, right from wrong or good from evil is a key component of wisdom. Being able to make sound choices and decisions requires that you well exercise and increase your discernment as you mature.
Nobility – Honor and virtue are your portion. Your distinctive way of being delicate and strong at the same time is evidence of your noble character. Your ability to clearly articulate your needs and desires in full alignment with the will of God for your life shows such integrity. You are royalty…reign accordingly.
Abundance – Scripture refers to a godly woman as a “gift”. You are a gift that that never stops giving. Your obvious and hidden treasures can continually reveal a deep source of richness and wealth in the things that you think, say and do. Adding value everywhere you go and to every person you meet is the abundant favor of the Lord being conveyed in and through you.
Sister ~ your Wisdom DNA defines and directs you. Listen closely and follow its counsel. Always use and adhere to the Word of the Lord as your foundation and gauge; trust the wise voice that speaks in your spirit. You are wise beyond words.